“ONE WORD” – DAY 4: Gratitude




Each day 1 word will be posted with an image like this. These will all be words which have been submitted by your friends and neighbors!  As you go through your day, be aware of today’s posted word and observe how the word influences your reality.  As the days progress you will begin to see words like “Peace”, “Oneness”, and “Ascension” included among the 26 submitted words (you might like to think if them as “Angels”). All you have to do is be open to the Life Evidence that the word ON TODAY’S POST exists in your life and wants you to notice it; the rest will unfold naturally.

Here’s how to play:

  1. All “Likes” or reactions on this main post earn the Word 1 point.
  2. All memes or quotes posted about the word earn 2 points if the “judges” deem the contribution relevant.
  3. Leaving a post describing what the Word means personally to you earns the Word 3 points.
  4. Leaving a personal account of seeing, hearing, feeling, witnessing or participating with any quality of “today’s word” earns 4 points for your personal account logged on this post. (*Tagging someone while referencing your personal account will also earn the Word 5 bonus points.)
  5. Asking a question which inspires a conversation while deepening everyone’s awareness and understanding of “Today’s Word” will earn 5 points.

Participate as much as you want! Each Word gains power the more you participate. This is an online experience which encourages you to participate in Life!

If you wish to track the energy of the all of the upcoming Words, visit this link http://bit.ly/2egUPwf to see how the story is progressing. As a Word gains momentum, it will appear more and more in the context of the story, taking on the qualities and experiences of all 26 Words submitted. “One Word” will naturally emerge to bridge the gap between realities, deepening the awareness of All. Once discovered, this One Word will be accessible within your subconscious to connect with All of us, dispersing forever the illusion that you are ever alone. This will intensify the more you choose to release into the experience of observing and creating reality. You will begin to understand how a wide (inter)net is cast to bring in a powerful life experience. This will be known as #ThePerpendicularPyramid with the emerging One Word serving as the pinnacle which will be accessible to all.

(*This is not a blog pastime meant to merely generate “Likes” or posts; it is an experiment for changing reality as we know it. Most of all — have fun! This is the moment you’ve been waiting for.)





8 thoughts on ““ONE WORD” – DAY 4: Gratitude

  1. It’s dawning on me that Gratitude could be the word to drive the Karmic Economy. Any way, lots of Thank You’s already. 4 pts for how grateful I am to use the library, another 4 pts that the printer worked. 8 pts on the board.


  2. I am grateful for a loving marriage that keeps getting better and stronger.
    I am grateful for the role I’ve chosen for myself/chosen for me to share knowledge, love, and power.
    I am grateful for being able to participate in theater with no ego centric needs.
    I am grateful for how easy it is to be grateful and log these entries.
    I am grateful that some of the greatest minds in the world know my name. 20 pts


  3. I am grateful that Gratitude is in high demand in a time when people need it; there is evidence of this election exploiting this need.
    I am grateful for you. Though I know no one is reading these words on my own “time zone”, I am grateful that you can travel back in time with me, reading my words when “I” felt alone.
    I am grateful to be speaking with a dear friend tomorrow.
    I am grateful that people are feeling a temporary sense of empowerment.
    I am grateful for this week off of work to relax and refocus. 20 points


  4. I am grateful for the thoughts, feelings and expressions every one is putting out there.
    I am grateful for the opportunity to tell everyone, I appreciate you.
    I am grateful for “alone time” to step away from “The Matrix” to say what is truly in my heart.
    I am grateful that I only seem to be attracting positive experiences
    I am grateful for this moment and I have made a choice to spend it in gratitude. 20 pts


  5. I am grateful for dinner with friends.
    I am grateful that there are those in this world do see me.
    I am grateful for being good at my a job.
    I am grateful for what is to come.
    I am grateful that my market prediction/creation is real.
    20 pts


  6. I am so grateful for my wife’s happiness.
    I am so grateful for the word “Yes” and the “+” sign.
    I am so grateful for the people reflecting back to me what I know to be true.
    I am grateful for today; for the word “Caring”; and the powerful question about to emerge.
    I am grateful that our greatest wish has been fulfilled: changing reality is the frosting.
    20 pts


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